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Principle Message
Kent Homoeopathic College was established by Late Dr Hardeo Prasad Singh in ___ and has now taken major strides in the last few years and emerged as one of the major Homoeopathic educaon centre in the state of Bihar. Located in the Vaishali district, the college has a sprawling campus with much greenery in Khilwat about 10 Kms from Hajipur. The college has made sincere efforts to enrich the mode of training to the students and develop proper infrastructure for them. The teaching faculty of the college along with our eminent advisory board works in a team spirit to provide quality educaon for our children. The subject of Homoeopathy has a blend of art and science, and this very spirit is embedded in our teachers. We aim to inculcate the same theme in our students so that they can serve the masses and bring laurels to themselves and us. The five and half year BHMS course is designed to focus on the standard and pracce of homoeopathy by making a student to incorporate the skills and imbibe the philosophy in the most classical way. We aim to bring out confident praconers who are prepared to meet all the challenges in their field. Career in Homoeopathy provide challenges to explore new dimensions in health and as such the student who seek admission to Homoeopathy must be prepared to adopt to this mode of treatment. The zeal to serve the sick humanity in the most compassionate way is inslled in the very inial  stages by exposure of the students to the paents. Here they learn the art in the most praccal form and at the same me imbibe the spirit of service, which is the very basic of our profession. Kent Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital strives for excellence in whatever it does and we are constantly working for the beer in the standards of teaching. I extends my sincere wishes to you for choosing Homoeopathy as a career.
                                                                                                                                                                Dr Jitendra Kumar 
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