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College Library Rules
1. Students and Teaching Staff of the College are entitled to use library.

2. The teachers may from time to time retain such books as are necessary for purpose of their reference. Reference book may be lent for a week to members of the teaching staff only.

3. Books of reference text books and rare collections shall not be lent out to the students.

4. All books taken on loan should be invariably deposit before long vacations.

5. Identity card along with lending or reference card for library whichever is necessary must be produced to the librarian while issuing or reissuing any book.

6. Books taken out by the students shall to be retained for more than 7 days, from the date of issue. If the due date happens to be a holiday the book must be returned on the next working day.

7. Any book may be recalled at any time even if the period of loan has not expired. The book shall be re-issued to the same borrower if he or she so desires afer the purpose for which it was recalled.

8. Failure to return a book on the due date entails the students to pay a fine of fifty paise per day upto 15 days and after 15 days a fine of Rs. 10/- will be charged per day of delay including the intervening holidays.

9. All such fines should be paid to the librarian and receipt for the amount should be obtained and preserved.

10. Failure either to pay the library find due or to return the books within due date the student and teachers are liable for withdrawn of his/her privileged to borrow any books from the library till the overdue books are returned and dues cleared.

11. The marking of books with ink or pencil, causing damage to bindings, The underling of pas sages, the writing or remarks or illustrations, tearing of pages, pictures etc. are absolutely forbidden.

12. If any book is lost, damaged, or mulô€€ tude the borrower shall be require to replace the book with fine or pay such compensation as may be fixed by the Principal. If any student does not pay such compensation, he shall not be allowed to appear in the Examination of Univesity or any mark sheet or certificate shall not be issued to him.

13. If a book belonging to a set or series, is lost or damaged and a new volume is not separately available, the borrower shall be required to replace the whole set of series.

14. Before leaving the counter, borrowers shall examine the books taken by them and point about any mutilation or defect in any book to the librarian and have these defects etc. noted by him otherwise the borrowers will be held responsible for any damage or mutiulation observed at the time of return.

15. Strict silence is to be observed in the library.

16. The transfer or sub-lending of books are strictly prohibited.

17. Loss of Identity Cards, reference and lending card must be intimated immediately and Rs. 60/- will be charged for a new card.
1 Dr. Dinesh Kumar (MD) Sr.Lecturer Click here
2 Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh Lecturer Click here
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